The Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) is hereafter referred to as "the Association".
C.N. Yang Award
Working Groups
The Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) is hereafter referred to as "the Association".
Council may make bylaws.
The AAPPS Council shall establish Divisions. In each APPC meeting this Division structure will be fully utilized for session organization. Also, the Division itself may organize its own meetings.
A Division may be either
The Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) aims to promote the advancement of physics in the Asia Pacific region, including research, application and education, especially through international collaboration. We determine the following code of conduct to achieve our goal of sustainable development of physics in the region.
These articles determine principles and procedures related to the sponsorship, co-sponsorship, and endorsement of activities such as international conferences, workshops, and schools (hereafter referred to as an activity collectively) by The Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (hereafter referred to as the Association).
In order to be sponsored, co-sponsored, or endorsed by the Association, an activity must satisfy the following criteria.
If the Association approves the request for sponsorship, co-sponsorship or endorsement, the sponsoring organization shall pay the Association the separately defined expenses as actual administrative expenses. (This fee is set to be free for the moment.)
If the Association sponsors, co-sponsors, or endorses an activity, the Association's name should appear appropriately as follows.
The sponsoring organization shall submit a report on the activity to the secretary within 6 months after the event.