Following the structure of APCTP website, we propose the structure of the sub-website for APCosPA organization, which we list in several pages below, including APCosPA Org, Research, Activities, Awards (this is newly added), International Cooperation, News, INFO.
  • History of DACG (Divsion of Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation)

    Although the number of researchers in astrophysics, cosmology, and gravitation is still small compared with more application-oriented fields in Asia-Pacific countries other than Japan and Australia, it is rapidly increasing in other countries and regions in association with their economic growth. Indeed, recently there are a number of regional activities that are aimed at promoting research in the relevant fields in the Asia Pacific region. In particular, there are three conference series rotating in the region, namely, the International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics, and Cosmology (ICGAC), the Symposium on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (CosPA), and the Asia Pacific School/Workshop on Gravitation and Cosmology (AP School on GC).

    The main organizers of the CosPA symposium established an organization called the Asia Pacific Organization for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (APCosPA) when they got together in Tokyo in 2010. Since then, not only the annual CosPA symposia but also the CosPA School for young researchers in the region have been organized annually. Furthermore, since 2013 the APCosPA organization's bulletin "The Universe" has been published by its past president W-Y. Pauchy Hwang.

    The International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics, and Cosmology has a long history, starting in 1993 and being held every other year since then. So far this conference has been held in Korea, Taiwan, Japan, China, and Vietnam, as well as in Russia and Kazakhstan. The Asia Pacific School on Gravitation and Cosmology is the newest of the conference series, starting in 2007. It has been rotating among Taiwan, Korea, China, and Japan, but this year it will be held in Singapore.

    A number of researchers in the Asia-Pacific region including active key members of ICGAC, APCosPA and the AP School on GC have agreed to form the Division of Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation (DACG) in AAPPS. The main purpose of DACG is to coordinate programs such as conferences and schools, promote collaborations, and exchange information about the latest research activities. An application to establish the division was made to AAPPS in January 2015 and it was approved at the Council Meeting of AAPPS held in Seoul on February 6-7 2015. The new division thus started with more than 200 initial members.

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  • Organization

    I. Executive Committee (EXCO)

    Current EXCO (2021-present)

    • Chair: Sang Pyo Kim
    • Vice-Chairs: Rong-Gen Cai, Pisin Chen, Ming-chung Chu, Bruce Dawson, Xiao-Gang He, Mohammad Sami, Takahiro Tanaka, Raymond Volkas
    • Secrreatry General: Bogeun Gwak 
    • Ex Offico: Misao Sasaki

    - Australia-New Zealand: Jenni Adams, Chris Power, Gavin Rowell, Cathryn Trott, Raymond Volkas

    - China (Beijing): Rong-Gen Cai, Anzhong Wang, Bin Wang, Xiao-Feng Wang, Shuang-Nan Zhang 

    - Japan: Aya Bamba, Shu-ichiro Inutsuka, Kunihito Ioka, Kazunori Kohri, Takahiro Tanaka

    - Korea: Kiwoon Choi, Bogeun Gwak, Gungwon Kang, Sang Pyo Kim, Chang-Hwan Lee 

    - Taiwan (Taipei): Chiang-Mei Chen, Pisin Chen, Pei-Ming Ho, Kin-Wang Ng 

    - Hong Kong: Ming-chung Chu, Lixin Jane Dai 

    - India: Archana Arun Pai, Mohammad Sami (Vice-chairs), Anjan Ananda Sen, Prajval Shastri, Suprit Singh

    Founding EXCO (2015-2020)

    • Chair: Misao Sasaki
    • Vice-Chairs: Rong-Gen Cai, Bruce Dawson, Xiao-Gang He, Sang Pyo Kim
    • Secretary General: Jun’ichi Yokoyama

    - Australia: Warrick Couch (Australian Astronomical Observatory), Bruce Dawson (University of Adelaide), Raymond Volkas (University of Melbourne), Stuart Wyithe (University of Melbourne) 

    - China: Rong-Gen Cai (ITP, CAS), Yungui Gong (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Xiao-Feng Wang (Tsinghua University), Shuang-Nan Zhang (National Astronomy Observatory, CAS), 

                  Zhong-Hong Zhu (Beijing Normal University) 

    - Japan: Shu-ichiro Inutsuka (Nagoya University), Masaki Mori (Ritsumeikan University), Misao Sasaki (Kyoto University), Takahiro Tanaka (Kyoto University), Jun'ichi Yokoyama (The University of Tokyo) 

    - Korea: Kiwoon Choi (Institute for Basic Science), Gungwon Kang (KISTI), Sang Pyo Kim (Kunsan National University), Sungwon Kim (Ewha Womans University) 

    - Taiwan: Pisin Chen (National Taiwan University), Chao-Qing Geng (National TsingHua University), Xiao-Gang He (National Taiwan University), Hoi-Lai Yu (Academia Sinica)

    II. RULE OF DACG (Adopted on October 15, 2014)

    Article 1: Name

    This Division of the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Society (AAPPS) shall be called the Division of Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation (DACG), and shall be called "the Division".

    Article 2: Objective

    The Division aims to promote the advancement and dissemination of knowledge, applications of astrophysics, cosmology and gravitation, and to coordinate activities in the Asia Pacific region endorsed by the Division and to organize the APPC session or satellite meeting of AAPPS.

    Article 3: Membership

    Members of the Division shall consist of scientists wishing to have membership of this division, subject to recommendations from two members (initially two core members). Members shall be responsible for informing the Division Secretary of their name, affiliation and E-mail address. Division Membership may be removed in case of one's request or loss of long-term communication or one's misconduct judged by the Division Officers.

    Article 4: Executive Committee

    4.1 Governance

    The Division shall have an Executive Committee (EXCO) which shall elect the Chair and Vice-Chairs, within the EXCO, and shall be the final decision-making body regarding matters including the division rule and the revision of the rule. The Division Officers shall carry out decisions and policies decided by the EXCO, and shall have general charge of the affairs of the Division.

    4.2 Composition of EXCO

    The EXCO shall consist of representatives from the member societies of AAPPS and the elected Division Officers. There shall be more than twenty representatives from the member societies of AAPPS, recommended either by the societies or by the representing communities. Here the "representatives" does not necessarily mean that they are officially approved by the member society to which they belong, but they may be representatives of relevant communities associated with the member society. The number of representatives from each society shall not be more than one-fourth of the EXCO. The number of EXCO members is subject to the progress of the Division.

    4.3 EXCO meeting

    The EXCO shall have an EXCO meeting at least once a year, either face-to-face or by other means including E-mail. At the APPC, the EXCO shall have a face-to-face EXCO meeting.

    4.4 Terms of EXCO

    The term of the EXCO is 3 years with possible extensions of one term and an additional term for the Division Officers elected by the previous EXCO.

    Article 5: Division Officers

    5.1 Officers of the Division

    The Division Officers shall consist of the Chair, Vice-Chairs, and Secretary or Treasurer, and the number of Officers shall be decided by the EXCO.

    5.2 Terms of Division Officers

    The term of Division Officers is 3 years with possible extension if one's role as a Division Officer is changed.

    5.3 Duties of the Chair

    The Chair shall represent the Division and shall chair the EXCO meeting. The Chair shall appoint the Secretary and the Treasurer if necessary. The Chair shall form an Advisory Committee, a Program Committee, and other committees if necessary. The Chair shall have general charge of the affairs of the Division and shall regularly report activities to the AAPPS Council either directly or in writing.

    5.4 Duties of the Vice Chairs

    Vice-Chairs shall assist the Chair in coordinating activities or reporting activities to AAPPS. The Vice-Chair in charge of the next APPC session shall be responsible for the local arrangement of the next APPC session or satellite meeting, and communication to the local organizing committee of APPC.

    5.5 Division Secretary

    The Division Secretary shall be responsible for membership management, information dissemination to the Division members, arranging the EXCO meetings, and other matters as necessary.

    Article 6: Standing Committees

    6.1 Advisory Committee

    The Division Chair shall form an advisory committee responsible for giving advice to the Division management. The committee may consist of distinguished scientists in the division fields, former division chairs related to this Division, and those who have contributed to the promotion of the division fields. The Chair shall nominate candidates for the Advisory Committee, and the EXCO shall approve the nomination by simple majority.

    6.2 Program Committee

    The Program Committee shall be responsible for the program of astrophysics, cosmology and gravitation for the APPC, for satellite meetings of APPC and for workshops/conferences in the division area hosted by AAPPS. The Program committee may coordinate activities in the Asia Pacific region endorsed by the Division.

    6.3 Other Committees

    The EXCO may form other committees as necessary.

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  • Activities

    I. APPC (Asia Pacific Physics Conference) DACG Programs

    A. APPC 13 (Brisbane, Australia, December 4-8, 2016)



    B. APPC 14 (Kuching, Malaysia, November 17-21, 2019)


    C. APPC 15 (fully online in Korea)


    II. DACG Workshops & CosPA & AP SW on GC

    A. DACG Workshop (APCTP hybrid, November 9~13, 2020)


    B. DACG Workshop (APCTP hybrid, October 4~8, 2021)


    C. CosPA 2022 (APCTP hybrid, November 28 ~ December 2, 2022)


    D. AP SW on GC (Hangzhou, May 14~22, 2023)


    E. CosPA 2023 (Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, November 10~13, 2023)


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  • News & Reports

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Meetings&upcoming eventsMeetings &
Upcoming Events