C.N. Yang Award

The C.N. Yang Award has been established to honor young researchers with prominent research achievements and to promote the development of leaders in physics in the Asia Pacific region. The Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) and the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) have jointly established the AAPPS-APCTP Chen-Ning Yang Award (C.N. Yang Award).

  • The awardee must have obtained a PhD in physics or an equivalent degree no more than 10 years prior to the date of nomination.

  • The awardee must have done the work to be awarded when s/he had an affiliation to an institution in a member country/region.

  • The awardee must have an affiliation to an institution in a member country/region at the time of nomination.

Channel of Nominations
  • 1. Self-nomination is not possible.
  • 2. Through a member society:
    I. Societies with divisional structure (Australia, CPS, KPS, JSAP, JPS, Indonesia, and Vietnam):
    Each division chair can make one nomination every year in the relevant specialty.
    II. Societies without divisional structure:
    The president of each society can make up to three nominations every year.
  • 3. Individual nomination:

    Each participant of the most recent Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15) organized by AAPPS, who has paid the full registration fee, has a right to make one nomination.

  • 4. Through APCTP member entity:

    Each member entity can make up to three nominations every year.

Nomination Package

The nomination package must be prepared in a single PDF file and must be submitted by e-mail to the secretary of AAPPS and the administrative office of APCTP at simultaneously, prior to the announced deadline, together with a cover letter indicating the most relevant session name of the most recent or forthcoming APPC. The package must include all of the materials that are listed below.

  • 1. A cover letter* of no more than 5000 characters explaining the nominee's achievements with a citation** (less than 300 characters; including the name and affiliation of the nominee).
    *A cover letter must include the most relevant session name for the candidate amongst A to N. (See the Sessions of the APPC in the next box.)
    **A citation: a formal public statement that praises a person for their achievements.
  • 2. The nominee's contact information.
  • 3. The nominee's biographical information, including the date when the nominee's PhD was received and the institution where the PhD was awarded.
  • 4. The nominee's publication list, including the URL information where the complete texts of five of the nominee's foremost publications can be retrieved. Listing of the citations and the impact factors of the nominee's corresponding publications is also preferred as a reference.
  • 5. Details of the nominee's achievements and contributions within their field of expertise must be provided, highlighting their impact and role.
Sessions of the APPC (APPC15 in 2022)
  • AApplied Physics
  • BAstrophysics, Cosmology, and Gravitation
  • CAtomic and Molecular Physics
  • DBiological Physics
  • ECondensed Matter Physics
  • FLarge Facilities (Synchrotron Radiation, etc.)
  • GNuclear Physics
  • HOptics and Quantum Electronics
  • IParticles and Fields
  • JPhysics Education
  • KPlasma Physics
  • LQuantum Information
  • MSemiconductor physics
  • NStatistical Physics
Selection Process

A selection committee, appointed by the AAPPS Division, the AAPPS and the APCTP, shall determine the recipient of the prize from the nominations, taking into account the overall quality and significance of the contribution and the creativity exhibited in the contribution.
* When a member of the Physical Society of Japan is nominated to the C. N. Yang Award, it also automatically applies for the AAPPS-JPS Award unless the nominator explicitly declines the nomination to the AAPPS-JPS Award.


The prize consists of a US$1000 monetary prize and a certificate for each recipient.

The prizes will be presented to the awardees by the AAPPS President at the C.N. Yang Award Ceremony at the AAPPS HQ, and the recipients are invited to give talks and publish review papers to the AAPPS Bulletin.

Nominations close on June 17, 2024. (Please note that this extension supersedes the previously communicated due date of June 3, 2024.)