| Nepal Physical Society Nilam Shrestha Pradhan, Professor, Tribhuvan University, President of Nepal Physical Society emailnilamspradhan@gmail.com |  |
The Chinese Physical Society, Beijing Manling Sui, Vice Chair Chair Professor, Beijing University of Technology Status of Women in Physics Committee Chair, International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers (2017-now). Member of CPS WGWIP (2002-now) emailmlsui@bjut.edu.cn |  |
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Ruwen Peng Professor, NLSSMs, Nanjing University. Vice-chair of CPS WGWIP. Member of IUPAP WGWIP. emailrwpeng@nju.edu.cn |  |
| Physics Society of the Philippines May Lim Professor, University of the Philippines Diliman, National Institute of Physics emailmay@nip.upd.edu.ph |  |
Indian Physics Association Vandana Nanal Professor, Tata Institute of Fundamental Physics Chair, Gender in Physics working group of IPA emailnanal@tifr.res.in |  |
| Alexandra Santos-Putungan Assoc. Professor, University of the Philippines Los Baños Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas (Physics Society of the Philippines) emailabsantos1@up.edu.ph |  |
| Institute of Physics, Singapore Kwek Leong Chuan Assoc. Professor, National University of Singapore emailcqtklc@nus.edu.sg |  |
The Physical Society of Japan Mihoko Nojiri, Chair Professor, KEK, Member of Science Council of Japan emailnojiri@post.kek.jp |  |
| The Physical Society located in Taipei Ting-Hua Lu Professor, National Taiwan Normal University Convener of Committee on WIP in Taiwan Physical Society emailthlu@ntnu.edu.tw |  |
Setsuko Tajima, Vice Chair Professor Emeritus, Osaka University, President of JPS (2020.4 - 2023.3) emailtajimasetsu@gmail.com |  |
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| Vietnam Physical Society Viet Ha Chu Dean of Faculty of Physics, TNU - Thai Nguyen University of Education, Member of the executive committee of the Physics Branch in TNU of The Vietnam Physics Society emailchuvietha@tnue.edu.vn |  |